The multitude of skillsets involved in bringing an oil drilling project to life are as varied as the oceans and terrains that rigs operate on. From exploration and initial drilling to extraction all the way to retailers, here are just a few of the necessary steps involved in the process:

Locating and proving oil sources – finding oil sources involves literally dozens of different skillsets, some of which are: physicists, for designing equipment to extract oil; geologists, for examining aerial photographs; sailors, for manning the ships that drag equipment for shooting compressed air; engineers, for operating the equipment used to detect oil deposits.

  • Setting up a rig – once the oil is located, next comes setting up the rig and ensuring everything is legally documented. Lawyers must be consulted to ensure it’s legal to drill in that area, and land has to be leased from private or public land holders or to the nation that has rights to the ocean. Engineers, both mechanical and electrical are needed to set up, oversee, and operate the machinery on a rig. There is no margin for error when working in the deep ocean.
  • Project financing – obtaining high-risk project financing for the oil industry is very difficult, risky, and time-consuming. Many OECD nations struggle with challenges like public utilities and other underdeveloped infrastructure issues.

Complex processes require complex solutions

Bringing a project like this to life is incredibly complex, and getting crude oil from the Earth and turning it into usable products for humanity is one of the most difficult industrial undertakings in existence. That’s why the oil industry needs professional companies that help make the process more efficient – and that’s where ScanTech comes into play.

Our services deal with an incredibly complex process. Just think of the challenges that are faced when scanning a tower: the deep ocean, towers up to 60 meters in height and 6 meters in width, the need for electronics to capture signals down to 1 millivolt, complex computer modeling, understanding the needs of a variety of customers that are often under duress, and the need for obtaining financing.

The ScanTech advantage

In this business, there is no room for error. You need a company that can get to your location, get the job done, and make sure it’s done right. Packed trays and towers are the most important part of the process, taking crude oil and fractionating it into usable parts for human use. Our process diagnostics help processing plants run at maximum efficiency to keep down costs for processors – and at the pump. In addition, our services contribute to keeping the offshore processing platform supports from corroding, and also keeping those platforms running and pumping oil/gas.

Our ability to combine all of these difficult processes into one, and still offer a low-cost model is the core of our service.

In short, extracting and processing oil into a usable form is incredibly difficult, and it takes an experienced diagnostics team to help that process along. For more information on how we can help, contact ScanTech today.